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Urge Congress to Support the U.S. Agriculture Community in the Next Transportation Bill

The 116th Congress passed a continuing resolution (CR) that extended current surface transportation programs through September 30, 2021. With this deadline looming, Congress has begun discussing a new surface transportation bill, and it is imperative that your representatives hear from you about policies that make sense for the U.S. milling industry. Specifically, this letter addresses:

  • Authorizing a pilot program to increase truck weights on the Interstate Highway System.
  • Increasing axle tolerance by ten percent to account for dry bulk load shifts.
  • Maintaining the current level of financial responsibility for trucks.
  • Harmonizing federal and state commercial driving license restrictions through the Drive Safe Act. 

Please take a moment to sign your name and let your members of Congress know how important it is that they remember the needs of the U.S. agriculture community in the next transportation bill.

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